venerdì 5 aprile 2013

be it my path!

Letters and words of a wide variety from almost every imaginable dictionary are employed to provide definitions  but encyclopedias and grammars are those that  give me specificity to the dynamic principle for which a world and system of cultures have been constructed by speakers of a language.
In my very forthcoming future, which enthuses and leaves me speechless at the thought of it,  I would like to adapt the classical rules and codes I’ve got from other systems of languages to a somewhat simpler and perhaps more efficient path for learning. The fundamental rules are still the same, is the method of application the one I need to discover again- how I wish I could find some more direct, and less arduous and less perplexing way of comprehension .
If only I could confer with angels, they may suggest that the elected way of learning  lies in the Bible, or in the forests, or maybe the code still have to be found and there’s no way to copy it anyway, as I must find my original way again. How I wish to have the formula for becoming a quick learner- I’ve always been unfamiliar with quickness and I’ve always discussed a lot with tongues before being a master of them.
The only requirement is that I behave morally- Laura told me well manner is international- and to be  treated well and kindly. I need my way to be clear and as beautiful as I can possibly create it. Besides, I see no reason why I wouldn’t get confident to the situation, to the language, to the people or to any other future event I’ll be involved in. I need to learn, a lot, again, once more. I need to grow up healthy, well educated, assertive, strong and kind.
The lettering of my future must be clear, I want my personal encyclopedia to be beautiful as I can possibly understand and then create it. As I know a language, I have some codes and rules, and I could get the exquisite master ability in efficient learning. Again.
The urgent requirement that is to be sensitively moved and involved in the process of comprehension is already in me and I’ll ask here and over again to any angels watching over me to help me. How I wish this distinct ritual could have a magic effect to become effective. Enthusiasm, abnegation, trained will and imagination, virtue and good luck, evoke the divine frenzy that lies in me and be it my path!

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