get inspired and join Mayura!
From 29th April to 1st
Art, yoga, sun, good nutrition, organic food, horse therapy, ayurveda, indian dance, in a magical place on a
hill between the border of Italy and Slovenia for an outstanding Yuta Festival with Mayura!
In the image: Kaartik and
Isabella in the Yuta.
The local associations Mayura, together with Assopea and Cucinare Bio,
welcomes you at the YurtaSunFest.
The Festival will kick off on 29th April with a celebration of its principles: ashtanga vyniasa yoga (mysore),the breathing and
movement system for internal cleansing; organic and vegan food prepared by
Claudio Petracco, specialist in the health and natural
foods cuisine. Three
days of relax, recreational activities and nourishing of oneself through Ayurveda.
Through ayurvedic practices, the creation of an inclusive and warm
atmosphere, music and art, the YurtaSunFestival will bring the body into
balance: daily massages and meditation, yoga and dance, en plain air painting,
pet therapy and a course of natural cuisine are offered through an exclusive
Mongolian stile camping in an exquisite location.
The three days are
dedicated to the celebration of the wellness and the
creation of a culture of sustainability.
The leaders of the
organizing board, Kàartik, Maeba, Isabella and Claudio emphasize that each
event is designed to be inclusive to the broader concept of wellbeing. Filling
the urgent need of health eating and living is a goal of the upcoming event.
The Festival is of
course notable because of its hosts: Kàartik has been a yoga teacher for ages,
the Ayurvedic remedies, practiced by Isabella, has been highly praised and
recommended for its natural and effective and beneficial effects on health.
Together with the
chef Claudio, they thought it was time to come together to celebrate the
diversity of each community of Trieste,
the different ethnic group and cultures from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and
anybody that is rambling around on the border during the YurtaSunFest.
Have you..ever watched the sky from a
yurta? Get inspired and join Mayura!
The innovative Yurta concept festival may bring it to a huge success and
as they have been fighting a long for this event to happen – it takes a while
to find a location, to engage communication between different people and to
provide a yurta where to perform the activities- so I wish them all the best.
The event, which features balanced
meal, relax, well being and entertainment, must be booked.
LOCATION: on a hill between Italy
and Slovenia. You need to contact Association Mayura for further information!
FACILITY: Yurta, tables, and 19 comfortable beds for overnight.
USE: Yoga, Ayurveda , dance, en plain air paiting.
RESERVATIONS: The entrance to the
YurtaSunFest is by reservation only, see contacts below. Applications will be
accepted until Saturday, April the 20th.
CONTACTS: Kàartik +39 349 0914117
and nights: +39 3423913138 Maeba info@mayura.it
treatments: Isabella +39 333 6967577 info@assopea.it Cooking classes: Claudio
+39 328 2520179 info@cucinarebio.it
OPENS: 10:00 AM April the 29th
CLOSES: May the 1st
DETAILS: don’t hesitate to contact www.mayura.it !
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