It’s in unsettled period of your life that you leave things behind you.
Having to finish Uni, moving to another apartment, planning,… brings about a change of focus.
Today I did some more packing; I needed to choose what really is vital to me and weighed things rather than seeing them, the glamour of posses is lessening perceptibly. Simple, vital things to me are: food, art, values, virtues…air. Friends. Pets. Authentic living, sincere feeling are essential for living fully.
I’m giving things away, objects that I’ve used a lot. I feel more linked to what they’ve represented to me, and I thought I couldn’t keep them with me as all of these objects, whether it was a chair, or a jacket, or a room, have an intrinsic life of their own, and I let these things slipping out of my hands as I had hitherto hold them.
The sense of ultimate worth I find in changing, in moving, calls into question new assessments of value. Of course that’s a mark I’d like to leave, and indeed I want to make a success of myself, but I understand I have an intrinsic time left he and I need to readjust my life at anytime and improve my way of thinking and living; I am motivated to write by a desire to leave behind something permanent, values I find of undeniable use which I trust in, which in my opinion are vital. I believe in Goodness and Beauty and I like to think that when I am gone, people who will still be around, understand that only Authentic experience, values, virtues carry with them their own Beauty and reward, their own joy and grace.
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