mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

get inspired and join Mayura!

get inspired and join Mayura!

From 29th April to 1st May

Art, yoga, sun, good nutrition, organic food, horse therapy, ayurveda, indian dance,  in a magical place on a hill between the border of Italy and Slovenia for an outstanding Yuta Festival with Mayura!

In the image: Kaartik and Isabella in the Yuta.

The local associations Mayura, together with Assopea and Cucinare Bio, welcomes you at the  YurtaSunFest.

The Festival will kick off on 29th April with a celebration of its principles: ashtanga vyniasa yoga (mysore),the breathing and movement system for internal cleansing; organic and vegan food prepared by Claudio Petracco, specialist in the health and natural foods cuisine. Three days of relax, recreational activities and nourishing of oneself through Ayurveda.
Through ayurvedic practices, the creation of an inclusive and warm atmosphere, music and art, the YurtaSunFestival will bring the body into balance: daily massages and meditation, yoga and dance, en plain air painting, pet therapy and a course of natural cuisine are offered through an exclusive Mongolian stile camping in an exquisite location.

The three days are dedicated to the celebration of the wellness and the creation of a culture of sustainability.
The leaders of the organizing board, Kàartik, Maeba, Isabella and Claudio emphasize that each event is designed to be inclusive to the broader concept of wellbeing. Filling the urgent need of health eating and living is a goal of the upcoming event.
The Festival is of course notable because of its hosts: Kàartik has been a yoga teacher for ages, the Ayurvedic remedies, practiced by Isabella, has been highly praised and recommended for its natural and effective and beneficial effects on health.

Together with the chef Claudio, they thought it was time to come together to celebrate the diversity of each  community of Trieste, the different ethnic group and cultures from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and anybody that is rambling around on the border during the YurtaSunFest.

Have you..ever watched the sky from a yurta? Get inspired and join Mayura!

The innovative Yurta concept festival may bring it to a huge success and as they have been fighting a long for this event to happen – it takes a while to find a location, to engage communication between different people and to provide a yurta where to perform the activities-  so I wish them all the best.
The event, which features  balanced meal, relax, well being and entertainment, must be booked.
LOCATION:  on a hill between Italy and Slovenia. You need to contact Association Mayura for further information!
FACILITY: Yurta, tables, and 19 comfortable beds for overnight.
USE: Yoga, Ayurveda , dance, en plain air paiting.
RESERVATIONS:  The entrance to the YurtaSunFest is by reservation only, see contacts below. Applications will be accepted until Saturday, April the 20th.
CONTACTS: Kàartik +39 349 0914117
accessions and nights: +39 3423913138 Maeba
Ayurvedic treatments: Isabella +39 333 6967577 Cooking classes: Claudio +39 328 2520179
OPENS: 10:00 AM   April the 29th
CLOSES: May the 1st
DETAILS: don’t hesitate to contact !

venerdì 5 aprile 2013

The metaphor of the uncanny

Ricardo Cinalli's retrospective exhibition The metaphor of the uncanny opened in Trieste, Italy.
One of the world’s most important contemporary painter-monumentalist

From 23th March to 2nd May 2013
Ex Pescheria – Salone degli Incanti
Riva Nazario Sauro 1 – Trieste
Trieste is living an excellent moment for art. Yes, I’m amazed too.
Given the awareness of the sleepiness; typical of a city reluctant to scale-up and possibly set up innovative cultural possibilities. Despite the strategical trans-border position of Trieste such a declaration seems absurdly uncanny. But after a friend brought me to see the inauguration of Cinalli, an international artist, I was amazed to see there’s still hope for Trieste.
Cinalli’s retrospective exhibition has been created by the ‘Cultural Association Woland’,  the ‘Municipality of Trieste’ and ‘Elzeviro - Publishing Communication Arts’. It will run from 23 March to 2 May 2013.

Although Cinalli conceives artwork on a monumental scale, and as a spirit of a Renaissance revival, he’s not so much focused on a revival of the glory of antiquity, as the spirit of free inquiry of Cinalli is more interested in the development, in the assimilation and incorporation of ideas from fascinating artists of any era.
His work, perfectly summed up in the title, ‘The Metaphor of the Uncanny’, impresses and disturbs. The current retrospective exhibition in Trieste which consists of a selection of 52 monumental works, divided into seven sections, is filled with his tangled mythological scenes for which he is reknowned. The muscled stony-faced breathless neoclassical figures that we see in Trieste have already brought him fame in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, United States, Soviet Union, Spain, Norway, England and in Italy. In 2008 he painted the frescoes for the New Chapel of the Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia di Terni and in 2007 he had made the monumental fresco The Resurrection Cathedral counter of Terni.
In each section of the exhibition, Cinalli aims to portray the conflicts and questions of the human being in front of the great classical themes; the dimension of time, art, creation, transcendence, religion, sex, and death.
What is unique about Cinalli’s technique, is the way colours are blended and layered directly on the surface creating a polyphony of pastel colours and wavy lines, set on layers of tissue paper stuck together. When I had the opportunity to meet Cinalli at the ‘vernissage’ in the private circle at the ‘LUISI SRL ART & SPACE’, at via San Nicolò 4, on Saturday the 6th April, he was actually standing alongside me, watching the audience’s response. Everyone seemed optimistic about the prospect for favourable reactions and good reviews. He confidently confessed that he’s looking forward to knowing the average guest rating but he has got to be waiting a bit more as the exhibition will remain on view until 2nd May 2013.

be it my path!

Letters and words of a wide variety from almost every imaginable dictionary are employed to provide definitions  but encyclopedias and grammars are those that  give me specificity to the dynamic principle for which a world and system of cultures have been constructed by speakers of a language.
In my very forthcoming future, which enthuses and leaves me speechless at the thought of it,  I would like to adapt the classical rules and codes I’ve got from other systems of languages to a somewhat simpler and perhaps more efficient path for learning. The fundamental rules are still the same, is the method of application the one I need to discover again- how I wish I could find some more direct, and less arduous and less perplexing way of comprehension .
If only I could confer with angels, they may suggest that the elected way of learning  lies in the Bible, or in the forests, or maybe the code still have to be found and there’s no way to copy it anyway, as I must find my original way again. How I wish to have the formula for becoming a quick learner- I’ve always been unfamiliar with quickness and I’ve always discussed a lot with tongues before being a master of them.
The only requirement is that I behave morally- Laura told me well manner is international- and to be  treated well and kindly. I need my way to be clear and as beautiful as I can possibly create it. Besides, I see no reason why I wouldn’t get confident to the situation, to the language, to the people or to any other future event I’ll be involved in. I need to learn, a lot, again, once more. I need to grow up healthy, well educated, assertive, strong and kind.
The lettering of my future must be clear, I want my personal encyclopedia to be beautiful as I can possibly understand and then create it. As I know a language, I have some codes and rules, and I could get the exquisite master ability in efficient learning. Again.
The urgent requirement that is to be sensitively moved and involved in the process of comprehension is already in me and I’ll ask here and over again to any angels watching over me to help me. How I wish this distinct ritual could have a magic effect to become effective. Enthusiasm, abnegation, trained will and imagination, virtue and good luck, evoke the divine frenzy that lies in me and be it my path!

martedì 2 aprile 2013

still doing translation

When night is at its deepest...I'm still doing translation!
I haven't done translation for a long time and it takes me a while to get used to it.
I must finish a work soon as I need to be working on a couple of articles and then I have to be getting ready for departing! Jeez

Nocturnal Demons and Ghosts of the City of Pearl

Nocturnal Demons and Ghosts of the City of Pearl at the Music Biennale Zagreb 2013


So this year, at the edition of the huge Music Biennale Zagreb, one of the most important international festival of contemporary music in Europe, I can’t be there! I contacted Manuel Fanni Canelles, the stage director from the Association Chromas of Trieste enrolled in the Festival as participant and representative of Trieste. Canelles, who has worked at the project Nocturnal Demons and Ghosts of the City of Pearl, together with his team made of Alice Bronzi, Hari Bertoja, Francesca Tonsi and with the support of the Orchestra of Classical Music Icarus Ensemble from Reggio Emilia, seems satisfied about the making of. The performance will first take place on
8th April, at 21.30 in &TD theatre/ Music Biennale Zagreb.
As much to satisfy my curiosity as to show my support for the Trieste representative team at the Festival and their courage to withstand the project written by the illustrious composer Giampoaolo Coral and based on the texts and designs by Kubin, I decided to go with a click via Skype and contacted him. I turned all my music and art loving into a short conversation with director Canelles.

As the festival is on now and the Association Chromas and Icarus Ensemble are getting prepared for their show, I gave myself a must-know information list and set out to have all the answers I wanted.

The famous composer Coral had been highly acclaimed in previous editions of Music Biennale Zagreb with his Nocturnal Demons, and the 2013 edition of Ghosts of the City of Pearl fits the tribute to him and it praises his memory.
The project is the outgrowth of a practice that encompasses the designs by Kubin, music, performance, singing, and multi-team engagement.
The aim of Canelles was to operate on the possibility of audiovisual and design combination, where one view influences the other and transforms it: he therefore get beyond the preoccupations of mistaking Coral’s intention, so he re-creates the fusion between the two domains- music and design- operating interrelations between forces.  His project, born from the collaboration between  Association Chromas and Icarus Ensemble, managed a theoretical and practical aim: it describes and revives the memory of Coral and then it offers  a method to observe and analyze the relationship developed from multidimensional experiences such as art performance, painting, chant and so forth.  Since the perspective I offer here is hazardous, it is my art loving that the readers will forgive me for not being extensive but of course mine is an encouragement to find out everything you need to know about taking part in the Festival: you have the possibility to see the performances until April the 13th !

lunedì 1 aprile 2013

To dare, to do

I dare: I do
I Love: I can


1st April and I've been thinking of an extensive program for my future. I booked the flight to Rheine. Yes I’m going to work and study in Germany, my aim is to learn how to educate kids. Education, instruction, peace-building, creativity, art and diplomacy are going to be my most urgent interests. Plus: languages. Languages. Languages. People. Cultures. I love it. European project writing and cultural mediation.  I want to be a cultural mediator and I’d like to work as a peace builder.  But this is something I hope to be doing in one year time, for the meantime I have to study and work a lot.
I thought a lot about on the excesses of Politics in Italy, especially concerning its immorality . According to my way of feeling things with a sincere urgency about doing something, I let myself be carried away on a clue of a structured reaction. The more I became aware of what I was thinking, I saw that I wanted to be doing a PhD in peace building and prevention of conflict . I am in the process of developing it. I find it beautiful and thought it might take me a lot of study to elaborate upon a meticulous program and project proposal, based on principles I genuinely approve and accept as my own values. It will occur to me to turn this aim into a scrupulous  research to react against the contemporary decay in education and instruction in my country, of its lack of any elaboration of solution for functional illiteracy. 
Italy, please, arise.